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Palestrina-Sicut Cervus-Tenor Score.wmv

@로마의휴일 2012. 9. 29. 12:37


"Sicut Cervus" parts link

Tenor Choir Practice: "Sicut cervus" , by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525--1594), is from the Latin text of Psalm 42: "As the deer longs for flowing waters, so longs my soul for you, O God." As water has a symbolic meaning within the Christian tradition, the Psalm text resonates with the waters of Baptism as well as the living water of the Eucharist. "Sicut cervus" is identified with Easter Vigil as new converts to the faith are brought forth for Holy Baptism, and thus celebrate their first Communion on the day of Christ's victory. Also, the soul's longing for union with God can be fulfilled in the reception of the Eucharist, making Sicut cervus an excellent choice for any Communion-time meditation.

Sample pronunciation: See-kut , sayhr-voos deh-see-deh-raht ahd fohn-tehs ah- kwah-room ee-tah deh-see-deh-raht ah-nee-mah meh-ah ahd teh day-oos. Latin: "Sic-ut , cer-vus de-si-de-rat ad fon-tes a-qua-rum," "i-ta de-si-de-rat a-ni-ma me-a ad te De-us.